All game shot will be settled according to the following price-lists:
Fallow buck/calves– shot € 145,-
Fallow buck/calves – wounded € 195,-
Red deer hinds/calves – shot € 145,-
Red deer hinds/calves – wounded € 225,-
Roe deer does/kids - shot € 80,-
Roe deer does/kids – wounded € 97,-
It will also be possible to shoot wild boars according to the following price list:
Wild Boar:
140 mm - 159 mm € 720,00
160 mm – 199 mm € 780,00 + € 23,50 pr. mm over 160 mm
200 mm and above € 1.720,00 + € 10,38 pr. mm over 201 mm
Keilers under 140 mm and for piglets and yearlings are charged for by weight, as follows:
Piglets, yearlings:
Up to 29,99 kg € 115,00
30-49,99 kg € 245,00
50-79,99 kg € 390,00
From 80 kg and up € 520,00
Wounding € 160,00
Exchange rate pr. 15 / 1-2025