0-199 Gram £ 150,00
200-249 Gram £210.00
250-299 Gram £ 300.00
300-349 Gram £ 480.00
350-399 Gram £ 580.00
400-449 Gram £ 750.00
450-500 Gram £ 900.00
501 Gram £1,000 plus £12,- per g over 501 gram
Cull bucks £ 100.00
All trophies are weighed on the day of departure.
N.B. Prices are based on the GBP exchange rate on 12.10.2016. We reserve the right to adjust these prices in line with exchange rate fluctuations.
The price is based on the cheapest class on the plane and we make reservations for the price in the event that the cheap classes are sold out