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Trophy price list Bulgaria

Trophy Pricelist

Wolf, every size: EUR 1.125,- 

Jackal and fox: EUR 30,- 

Wild boar ”Keiler” – all year, indiv. hunting 

Cm  + €/mm
Up to 14,00 495  
14,01 – 16,00 495 12,3
16,01 – 18,00 740 12,3
18,01 – 20,00 985 18,5
20,01 – 22,00 1355 31
Over 22,01 1970 61,5

For trophies over 125 CIC points there is an additional 10% supplement (gold medal starts at 120 CIC).

Red deer (stags)  01.09 – 31.01

Kg  €/10g
6,00 – 6,99 1840 + 7,00
7,00 – 7,99 2530 + 9,20
8,00 – 8,99 3450 + 11,50
9,00 – 9,99 4595 + 13,80
10,00 – 10,99 5975 + 34,50
11,00 – 11,99 9820 + 46,00
12,00 – 12,99 14420 + 92,00
From 13,00 23605 + 92,00 

Roebuck  01.05 – 30.10

Gram  + € /1g 
Up to 250 210  
250 – 299 210 + 2,50
300 – 349 335 + 5,00
350 – 399 580 + 10,00
400 – 449 1000 + 11,50
450 – 499 1475 + 21,70
From 500 2555 + 34,50 

Muflon – ram, all year

Cm  € /1cm 
Up to 50,00 595  
50,01 – 60,00 690 + 29,00
60,01 – 70,00 980 + 63,50
70,01 – 80,00 1610 + 126,40
From 80,01 2870 + 230,00

Fallow deer stags 01.09 – 31.01

Kg  € /10g 
Up to 2,50 615  
2,51 – 3,00 925 + 6,15
3,01 – 3,50 1150 + 18,40
3,51 – 4,00 2070 + 23,00
4,01 – 4,50 3220 + 46,00
4,51 – 5,00 5515 + 67,70

For all game goes, by wounding and not found: 50% of the size estimated by the stalker will be invoiced.

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