Canada's wilderness offers this exciting mountain hunt for the unique mountain goat. Hunting Mountain goats in this beautiful nature and wildlife in Canada is an unforgettable experience.
10 days from $15,995
The hunting area is located in the northwest corner of British Columbia and is considered one of the best hunting areas in all of Canada. It consists of approx. 3,300 km2 (855,695 hectares) and the area is close to the border to the Yukon Territory.
In this hunting area there is a very good population of mountain goats and beautiful "billies" are often taken. It is recommended to be in good physical shape, as it can be expected to spend much of the time in the wilderness on foot. Every year good representative trophies are taken in these areas and our outfitters have 100% success on mountain hunts for Mountain Goat. The landscape, the untouched nature, the extreme terrain and the mountain goats themselves all contribute to an unforgettable adventure.
The mountain goat is a completely unique species that can only be found in North America and is also one of North America's most coveted trophies. In the Northern part of British Columbia, hunting takes place in extremely remote areas with a healthy population of Mountain goats. This area is an ideal place to hunt mountain goats, both in terms of quantity and quality of the trophies.
The area is a fine combination of beautiful nature and unrivaled hunting opportunities in a region with high game populations and good success rates. The large hunting area consists of countless valleys, mountains, high plateaus, forests as well as lakes, rivers and waterfalls. The hunting area will feel like it is totally untouched.
How to get there
The journey will start from the city of Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory, to which you will fly. From Whitehorse you have to rent a car, or alternatively order a car transfer from a local tourist company (We can help with that). From there you have to drive 5½ hours south to the outfitter's main camp near Boya Lake Provincial Park. Here you will be met by the outfitter's team and prepared for departure to the hunting area by bushplane or car transport.
It will be necessary to plan 1-2 days stay in Whitehorse before and after the hunt, to insure against delays and possible bad weather that makes transport to and from the hunting area impossible. The stay during the hunt takes place in heated cabins in the area, and alternatively tent camps for some days.
Hunting period
The hunt in September-October will primarily be for Mountain goat, but it is possible to purchase extra tags/licenses for some of the other huntable species in the area. In addition to mountain goat, it will be possible to shoot moose, caribou, black bear and wolf for an additional trophy fee if the trophy is taken down.
The hunt is traditionally spot and stalk, which has always been characteristic for this outfitter. There are no hunting towers or hochsitze in the hunting area, only pure wilderness. In terms of weather, you can expect everything from high sun to snow and frost. An exciting area which, over a number of years, has fulfilled several hunters' "boyhood dreams".
There are several comfortable, heated cabin camps throughout the hunting concession, all located on fly in lakes in the heart of game habitat. Camps and locations vary, the terrain and vegetation are different throughout the hunting area. The outfitter have 16 small standard cabins, or wall tents camps with wood stoves and all the basic needs at all horse and boat hunting camps. Spike camps can...
Read moreWHERE YOU'LL TRAVEL TOO The area is approx. 3300 sq. miles (2,112,000 Acres) of pristine wilderness. It is considered to be one of the best hunting areas in all of Canada. With almost no resident hunting pressure or access to 95% of the hunting concession, you will feel like it’s untouched. (Resident hunters do hunt within the territory but only on some of the many...
Read moreThe area is owned and operated by Dustin Roe, who has been running it since 2017, where he bought the famous Cassiar concession. Dustin has despite his young age, been a professional freelance guide for over 15 years, specializing in extreme mountain hunts including all 4 species of sheep and goat species, but has also guided for moose, caribou, grizzly, brown bear, elk, bison, whitetail and...
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Read moreExtra tags/licenses for other game species:
- Moose USD 263
- Caribou USD 242
- Black bear USD 189
* Have to be bought in advance
Extra trophy fees:
- Moose USD 13.500
- Caribou USD 13.500
- Black bear (for free)
- Wolf (for free)
Extra trophy fees to be paid to Diana hunting tours after returning home.