Experience the springtime hunt for black bear at Adams Lake in Canada in a huge hunting area with a very good population of black bear and grizzly. Meanwhile, you will get a fantastic nature experience. This is a incredibly fascinating and exciting hunt where you will, along with the guide, get a chance to track down the game!
6 days from €5,450
There are good populations of black bear, grizzly, cougar, mountain goat, mule deer, whitetail deer and moose. There is also caribou and elk in the district, but licences have not yet been released.
Spring time hunt for bears is a hunt in very beautiful natural surroundings. After the long winter the nature comes alive in an impressive aray of colors. Grass, flowers and leaves pops out everywhere. You will see much game, and not just the bears who are looking for the fresh green sprouts.
In the Spring, you can hunt for black bears and grizzly bears, where you together with your guide moves around in the area by foot, four-wheel-drive or by boat. Together with the hunting guide you go out into the wilderness and seek out the bears in their right habitat!
So far the success rate has been very good for black bears and grizzly. Grizzly bears taken in British Columbia, can not be imported to EU.
Adams Lake has many bears, and the hunt is really exciting because it is not about just sitting with bait and waiting for the bear but real hunting, where you go, sail or drive with the guide into the wilderness and seek out the game. During a 7-day bear hunt you will typically see 20-30 bears, both black bears and the brown black bear.
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The main camp lies on the western side of the Shuswap Mountains, but there is often used smaller satellite camps during the hunt. These smaller camps can be so-called ”wall-tents” or a camping trailer. Our hunters fly to Vancouver or Calgary and on with a domestic fligt to Kelowna, where you will get picked up and transportet to the camp. There are boats and canoes in the camp, so...
Read moreAdams Lake Outfitter’s hunting district lies in British Columbia. To be more precise it lies between Shuswap Lake and Adams Lake, north east of the town of Kamploops. The hunting district itself covers around 178.000 ha. And consists of a beautiful, varied landscape with mountains, lakes, large areas of wetlands and meadows. From the town of Kelowna, where our hunters will be met by...
Read moreThe outfitter Kashtin Mair, manages and operates Adams Lake full time. He does everything possible to meet the expectations of visiting hunters, and to make sue they enjoy an unforgettable hunt at Adams Lake. Kashtin´s thorough knowledge of the district and excellent hunting skills always ensure the hunt result in great success. Hunters fly to Kamloops or Kelowna, British Columbia,...
Read moreVidenskabeligt navn: Ursus americanus Underarter: Ingen Udbredelse: I mindre bebyggede områder af Nordamerika og Mexico med undtagelse af de arktiske regioner, de centrale stater og øskkystområderne i USA. Levested: I den østlige del hovedsagelig i skove og sumpe og i den vestlige del af udbredelsesområderne især i bjergrige områder. Beskrivelse:...
Read moreVidenskabeligt navn: Canis lupus Underarter: Polarcirkels art på den nordlige halvkugle. 6 underarter er blevet beskrevet over hele verden, 3 for Nordamerika. Af dem er den ene til gengæld udryddet. Tilbage er: 1. Den østlige Timberwolf (Canis l. lycaon): Skovregioner i det nordlige USA og i det centrale Ca- nada. 2. Tundra-Wolf (Canis l. tundarum): Tundra og Taiga landskaber...
Read moreAny extra trophy fees will be settled with Diana Hunting Tours after returning home.
The price show for this tour is for guidance only as fluctuations in the exchange rate may need to be taken into account. The actual price of the tour will be agreed later.