We have several good territories for roebuck hunts. Especially in the eastern part of Hungary near the "Puszta" or the Hungarian Plain, which is a colossal plain area southeast of Budapest, which makes up approx. 50% of Hungary's area. The area is mainly flat, but forms a perfect biotope for wild game. The plain is bounded on the west by the river Danube and reaches to the east into the former Yugoslavia, Romania and Ukraine.
From April to early August is the best time for hunting roebucks. However, a lower activity must be expected during very hot periods, up to the start of the rut in late July. Trophy wise, the shot bucks are around 200-500 grams in netto weight, but in some areas bucks up to 700 grams can also be taken.
The areas all have good game populations, and in some territories there will also be a chance for wild boar during the roebuck hunt.
The roe deer population in this part of Hungary is absolutely extraordinary and many territories shoot up to 1,000 roe deer per season, of which approx. 100 are bucks.