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Alaska Peninsula

Hunting is on Federally approved land on the Alaskan-peninsula. This includes the Becharof National Wildlife Refuge, the Alaska Peninsula Wildlife Refuge, and the Aniakchak National Preserve. These districts are part of the Aleutian mountain range, which is bordered bt the Pacific Ocean and the northern Gulf of Alaska to the east and the Bering Sea to the west.

Brown bears in this district have an average size of 9.5 feet and the average moose trophy is up around 65 inches. But bears of 10 foot or more and moose of 70 inches are not unusual. tommer er ikke ualmindeligt. From the main camp hunters fly out into the allies, where they stay in traditional Alaskan tented camps which offer the most modern equipment. From here you will hunt in the shadow of volcanoes, spectacular mountains and along great rivers. During the autumn the rivers are teeming with salmon. The salmon run here is the biggest on earth.

The incredible beauty and richness of this hunting district leaves a lifelong impression on all hunters who are lucky enough to hunt here.

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