Scientific Name: Panthera uncia uncia
Subspecies: None.
Distribution: From western himal over Pakistan and Afghanistan, northern India, Nepal, Sikkim, Kashmir, Bhutan, Tienshan, the Pamirs, Tibet, Sichuan and Gansu (China).
Habitat: High alpine regions between the treeline and the snow- and ice-line.
Description: Medium sized "big" cat, the Snow Leopard weighs up to 40 kg. It measures up to 55 cm over the shoulder and reaches a total body length of 1,25 m, without tail (1,05 m). General colour smoky whitish-brown with long hairs on the underparts. It has dark-brown spots set in rosettes. Reminiscent of the leopard, but significantly smaller.
Hunting method: Stalking, on a kill, with dogs.
Hunting available in: Totally protected. CITES-classification 3.3.97: A! Washington convention list