Scientific Name: Canis lupus
Subspecies: From a total of 7 subspecies only one is found in the Indo-Pacific region: Indian Wolf (Cnais l. pallipes).
Distribution: Western India, Punjab and Sind.
Habitat: Open woodland, tundra, other woodland types including mountain forests.
Description: Reminiscent of a large Alsatian dog, the wolf weighs up to 90 kg and measures up to 1 meter over the shoulder. It reaches a total body length of 1.60 m without tail. General colour grey to grey brown, sometimes even reddish brown (summer). The ears point straight upwards. The pawmarks are narrower and larger than those of a dog.
Hunting method: Stalking, at a kill, cordon hunting and driven hunt.
Hunting available in: Washington convention list 1 for population in Bhutan, India, Nepal and Parkistan. Import and export license required. Other population are on list 2.