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Scientific Name: Bison bonasus

Subspecies: Caucasian Wisent (Bison b. caucasicus): The original population became extinct in 1925.

Distribution: Has been reintroduced into Caucasus, in the area of Naltschik, in Tien Shan (Kazakstan). (See Europe).

Habitat: Large forests with open plains, also mountainous regions as in Caucasus and Tien Shan.

Description: Large wild cattle weighing up to 1.350 kg and measuring up to 2,0 m over the shoulder. It reaches a total body length of 3,50 m without tail. General colour dark brown. The coat is thick and slightly curly, the neck having a mane. The front part of the body is very heavy, the hind part comparatively small. Both sexes have small, upwards curving horns.

Hunting method: Stalking, on horseback and by surrounding them.

Hunting available in: Caucasus.

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