Scientific Name: Antilocapra americana
Subspecies: A total of four subspecies have been described, but it is not relevant to describe any of them here.
Distribution: Southern Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan), central and western USA to central Mexico in the south.
Habitat: Open prairie and bush, often with semi-desert character.
Description: Middle-sized antelope-like animal weighing around 70 kg and measuring up to 1 m over the shoulder, reaching a total body length of around 1 meter. General colour pale fawn, flanks and underparts white, white rump. Brown cheeks, dark bridge of the nose, dark spot above the eyes, otherwise pale head. The horns bend slightly inwards, with one point pointing forwards. The horns are shed at their base once a year, and grow anew, this feature is unique amongst the Bovides.
Hunting method: Stalking,on horseback.
Hunting available in: Montana and Wyoming (USA).