Scientific Name: Rupicapra rupicapra
Subspecies: Rupicapra rupicapra (The Austrian, Swizz, German, French and Italian Alps as well as parts of the former Yugoslavia.) Rupicapra r. pyrenaica (The Pyrenees). Rupicapra r. ornata (The Abruzzian Alps, Italy) Rupicapra r. carpatica (Transsylvania) Rupicapra r. balcanica (Parts of former Yugoslavia) Rupicapra r. caucasica (Kaukasus) Rupicapra r. asiatica (Turkey)
Habitat: Rocky, precipitous mountains.
Description: Middle sized animal of the goat family with a compact body and long, strong legs. The Chamois weighs around 50 kg, and measures up to 70 cm over the shoulder. General colour yellowish brown in summer and dark brown to almost black in winter. In older individuals the colour in winter may be greyish black. The Chamois has characteristic white markings on the head. The horns are fairly long, upright and bend back in shape of hook with distinct knobs throughout their length. Both sexes have horns but the male Chamois carries the biggest.
Hunting method: Stalking.
Hunting available in: All areas of distribution in Europe. (Rupicapra r. ornata, however, is totally protected as the total population is less than 500 individuals).