Scientific Name: Rupicapra rupicapra
Subspecies: A total of 10 subspecies have been described, 2 of which occur in the Holarctic-Asian region: 1. Rupicapra r. caucasica: Caucasus. 2. Rupicapra r. asiatica: Northeastern parts of Turkey.
Habitat: Alpine and sub-alpine regions, in summer above the tree-line, in winter lower.
Description: Medium sized goat weighing up to 50 kg and measuring up to 85 cm over the shoulder. It reaches a total body length of 1,40 m. General colour reddish brown with black line along the spine in summer, black with black and white markings on face in winter. Both sexes have horns that are small compared to the size of the Chamois, those of the male being the largest. They are thin, upwards pointing and at their ends hook shaped.
Hunting method: Stalking
Hunting available in: Caucasus and Turkey.