Scientific Name: Capra ibex nubiana
Subspecies: Is a subspecies of Capra ibex ibex. Abyssinian Ibex (Capra i. walei)
Distribution: Nubian Ibex: Northern Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan. Limited to the Red Sea hills. Abyssinian Ibex: The Semien Mountains in Ethiopia.
Habitat: Nubian Ibex: Dry desert mountain, deep valleys and steep cliffs. Abyssinian Ibex: High mountains, among bush, forest and upland vegetation. The Ibex seek shelter during the day in mountain caves, but can be seen grazing at dawn and just before dusk along the mountain sides.
Description: A wild goat, easily recognised by its general features. It weighs around 90 - 120 kg, with a shoulder height of 70 - 100 cm. (The Abyssinian Ibex is taller and heavier than the Nubian Ibex). General colour brownish or yellowish fawn, with a blackish stripe along the back and a darker band across the shoulders. Limbs conspicuously black and white. The Abyssinian Ibex is a darker chestnut brown colour, with not so distinctive markings. The horns are very long, flattened sideways, forming a semi-circle, vurwing upwards, backwards, then downwards, with transverse knobs throughout their length except at their tip. The horns of the Abyssinian Ibex are shorter but thicker and more massive horns than its Nubian relative.
Hunting method: Pursch or driven hunt. As with most mountain game the --------?
Hunting available in: Nubian Ibex: Sudan (can be hunted in the USA on game farms) Abyssinian Ibex: Totally protected (possibly only a 100 individuals left!). Despite protection it is eagerly hunted by the local population.