Scientific Name: Ovibus moschatus
Subspecies: Circumpolar in the northern hemisphere. Introduced into the Holarctic-Asian region in Russia: 1. On the Taimyr Peninsula (northern part of central Siberia) 2. On Wrangel Island (in the east Siberian sea.)
Habitat: Tundra in the far north.
Description: Largest member of the sheep family, the Musk Ox weighs up to 410 kg and measuring up to 1,50 m over the shoulder. It reaches a total body length of 2,50 m. General colour brown, the hairs of the coat being very long and silky. The horns are broad and flat, pointing downwards and then forwards.
Hunting method: Stalking, from a hide.
Hunting available in: Russia: Only some hunting done by the locals and foreign hunters. (the main population of Musk Ox is found in Canada and Greenland).