Scientific Name: Panthera leo
Subspecies: Up to 7 geographic subspecies are recognised. They are here all descriped as one:
Distribution: The different species has common distribution, stretching from Senegal in the West to Ethiopia and Somalia in the East, and across a broad belt along the East African coast to the northern part of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Angola and Congo (Zaire).
Habitat: All types of terrain.
Description: Unmistakable large animal of the cat family weighing up to 250 kg, with a shoulder height of 80 - 100 cm.. Coat short and uniform, varying from ochraceous silvery-grey to dark ochre brown, somewhat darker on the head. Only males have a mane on neck and shoulders. The mane may have different colours and are accordingly divided into: Black Maned Lions Cinnamon Lions Common Lion (when the mane has the same colour as the rest of the animal's body) Maneless Lion. The mane of the lion is very different in size depending on where the lion lives. If from areas with thickets and bush, the lions do not develop a large mane (or it is worn of). In other areas, such as Bangweulu in Zambia, there is not much in the way of thickets or bush and the manes on the lions from that area are particularly large and bushy. The ability to develop a large mane is also genetically determined, however.
Hunting method: Pursch or hunting from a hide by the use of bait.
Hunting available in: Senegal, Cameroun, Chad, CAR, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.