Scientific Name: Ursus maritimus
Subspecies: None.
Distribution: Circumpolar in arctic regions. Nearly always in association with sea ice. In general, most numerous within 300 km of the coast over continental shelves, where wind and current keep the ice in motion. In North America, Newfoundland, Labrador, southern part of Hudson Bay, the arctic coast of Canada and Alaska to Aleuten in the south.
Habitat: Drifting pack ice, bare and rocky coastlines and islands.
Description: Very large Bear, weighing up to 720 kg and measuring around 1,60 m over the shoulder. The colour ranges from creamy white over yellow/grey to almost brown, according to season and light conditions. Erect the Polar Bear may reach a height of 2,50 meters.
Hunting method: Stalking, from boat, with dogs, with bait (only available with Inuit-guides.)
Hunting available in: Canada (The Northwest Territories, only with local guides).