Scientific Name: Capra ibex
Subspecies: Out of the 3 described subspecies (European Ibex, Siberian Ibex, Nubian Ibex), only 1 occur in the Holarctic-Asian region: 1. Siberian Ibex (Capra ibex sibirica). Some authors recognise another subspecies of the Siberian Ibex: Capra s. alaiana. This animal occur in the Tien Shan-Pamir-Altai region.
Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir to China, The Pamir-Tien Shan-Altai-Sajan mountain ranges, southern and western Mongolia.
Habitat: High altitude pastures, normally above the tree line, prefers south-facing slopes.
Description: Wild goat weighing up to 130 kg and measuring up to 1,10 m over the shoulder. It reaches a total body length of 1.70 m. Compact built with strong, relatively short legs. General colour greyish brown with black and white markings on the legs and underparts. The horns are long and heavy, ridged, upwards, outwards and backwards pointing. Those of the male being the biggest.
Hunting method: Stalking.
Hunting available in: Kazakhstan, Kirgistan, Tadjikistan, Russia and Mongolia.