Scientific Name: Cervus dama
Subspecies: None.
Distribution: Chile: Temuco, Osorno, Villarrica (introduced in 1930), Peru, Uruguay and eastern Argentina (introduced in 1895).
Habitat: Prefers park-like countryside, also found in managed forests and on farmland.
Description: Medium sized deer weighing around 200 kg. It measures up to 1,40 m over the shoulder and reaches a total body length of 2,50 m. General colour chestnut brown with white spots in summer, more uniformly grey in winter. Undersides whitish, tail relatively long. The pelage varies considerably from fawn to black - certain colours predominate in some regions. The antlers are either pointed or palmate (mostly older bucks), with several points.
Hunting method: Stalking, lying in wait.
Hunting available in: Ranches and woodland estates in the area of distribution.