Scientific Name: Cephalophua sylvicultor
Subspecies: None.
Distribution: The West African States as well as Cameroun, CAR, Congo (Zaire), Angola and Zambia.
Habitat: Primary high rainforest.
Description: Smaller antelope (biggest member of the Duiker-family) with a weight of up to 70 kg and a shoulder height of around 75 cm. General colour dark velvety brown with brown and grey markings on head. Hairs on back yellowish buff in patch broadening from the middle of the back to the rump, often raised in a brush-like crest.
Hunting method: Normally lying in wait and pursch but can be attracted within shooting range, like many of the Duiker's, by imitating the distress calls of smaller animals.
Hunting available in: Cameroun, CAR and Zambia.