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Scientific Name: Lynx rufus

Subspecies: As many as 10 subspecies for the Bobcat, endemic to North America, has been described. They will, however, not be mentioned here, due to the uncertainty of their individual status.

Distribution: Occurs south of the range of the Canada Lynx from southern Canada to Mexico. The distribution used to be even, but in several States of the USA the Bobcat is now extinct (Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois etc.)

Habitat: Rocky bush and cactus landscape in the West, marshes and forests in the East.

Description: Heavily built cat with characteristic Lynx-features. It weighs around 30 kg and measures up to 60 cm over the shoulder, reaching a body length of almost 1 meter. The ears have long tufts, the tail is short, but only black on the upperside. General colour brown-grey.

Hunting method: With dogs, traps, sometimes with bait, tracking in snow.

Hunting available in: As side trophy in connection with hunting for other game in some States of the USA.

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