*On the assumption that this period is available
PRICE €1,260

Red Stag Hunt in Runowo

Really good hunting during the rut with a good chance of shooting a really fine stag.  A small but really lovely district with good accommodation. Read more about Red Stag Hunting in Poland


  • District 5,000 hectares in size
  • Annual shooting quota:  80 head of red deer – including 23 stags
  • The average size of stags shot during the rutting time is between 5-8 kg
  • Our hunters stay in Lutowko´s charming accommodation.

4 days from €1,260

Throughout history,  great deal of prestige is awarded to hunters who shoot a mature stag! The red stag is the undisputed King of Europe’s game animals - the trophy which all European hunters are most keen to hang on their wall. However, it is only when you have experienced the thrill of hunting during the height of the rut, that you really understand why this is.

The red stag is powerful, graceful - even majestic - and easily the most impressive animal in our forests. It is quite natural that all European rifle hunters will want to test their skills against this game - preferably more than once!

We can offer a wide range of the very best State Forest Districts in western Poland, all of which can deliver top quality red deer hunts. These State Forest Districts all have well trained, experienced and  very responsible hunting guides, who each have their own areas in the districts, which they know like the back of their own hands.

The hunt usually takes the form of stalking or lying in wait on one of the towers that have been optimally placed in each district, with regard to the deer’s behavioural patterns during the rut.
You will go out hunting twice a day, once in the early morning starting before dawn, and again in the late afternoon/evening during the hours around sunset.  It will often be possible to combine stag hunting  with a roebuck hunt, if the district has any left on its shooting quota, or with hunting for wild boar.

It is not just the trophy which is very attractive, even the hunt for red stags is itself is extremely attractive - both because of the real challenge in getting yourself within range of a big stag, but also because of the many traditions  that are associated with this hunt.
Quite simply it is the experience of a lifetime!  You can choose between hunting following  the price list or on a fixed price package -  we have both larger and smaller stags available to hunt. There is something for every taste and budget!

A hunting tour to Poland can make stag hunting convenient, easy and inexpensive and you can be sure of enjoying a wonderful outdoors adventure. Stag hunting in Poland has been popular for quite some time now - and for good reason! A stag hunt in Poland is the perfect way for both new and experienced hunts to be certain of a great hunting experience.

Hunting stories


The price includes

  • 4 days accommodation with full board
  • 4 days red stag hunting with own hunting guide (8 outings)
  • 1 red stag of up to 4.99 kg (fixed priced packages only)
  • Refund if no stag is taken/ not wounded € 1.080,- (fixed price packages only)
  • Refund if the stag is wounded  € 530,- (fixed price packages only)
  • All licences and related fees
  • Boiling of trophies

The price does not include

  • If the stag is over 4,99 kg the difference is settles according to price list
    (when hunting at fixed price)
  • Final settlement of shot game
  • Transport during the hunt, PLN 360,- per hunter/per day
  • Extra hunting day € 310,-
  • Stay without hunt/non-hunter per day €165,-
  • Supplement for single room per day € 25,-
  • Interpreter per person/day (optional - must be ordered in advance) € 81,-
  • EU-public liability insurance € 10,00 (obligatory)
  • Travel insurance
  • Cancellation insurance
  • Tips
  • Skinning € 65,-
  • Skinning for shoulder mount:       
    Red Stag € 152,-
    Fallow Stag € 122,-
    Roe buck / wild boar € 92,-
  • Purchase of skin per kg € 16,-
  • Purchase of skin from fox and racoon dog € 33,-
  • Searching for wounded game with dog € 130,-
  • Extra outing / night hunt € 80,-

Diana Hunting Tours has partnered with the travel insurance company European (ERV) and is pleased to offer you an ideal travel insurance solution for your hunting trip, as well as cancellation insurance in case you need to cancel the trip due to illness.

Please note that this insurance offer is available only to residents of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Germany, Finland, and the Netherlands.

If you would like to purchase travel or cancellation insurance through Diana Hunting Tours, please contact your travel consultant or our support team at +45 62 20 25 40, or send an email to

Trophy Price List

On the price list hunt all game shot will be settled according to the following price-list:                          
Red stag:
Up to 2000 g €    470,00 
2001-2999 g € 1.000,00
3000-4999 g € 1.200,00 + € 2,00 per 10 g over 3000 g
5000-6999 g € 1.600,00 + € 5,70 per 10 g over 5000 g
From 7000 g € 2.740,00 + € 16,72 per 10 g over 7000 g
Wounding     € 1.135,00
Hinds/calfs   €    120,00 (also for wounded)

It will also be possible to shoot wild boars according to the following price list:
Wild Boar:
140 mm - 159 mm                   €         500,00
160 mm – 199 mm                  €         660,00 + €  16,75 pr. mm over 160 mm
200 mm and above                  €      1.330,00 + €  26,60 pr. mm over 201 mm

Keilers under 140 mm and for piglets and yearlings are charged for by weight, as follows:
Piglets, yearlings:
Up to 29,99 kg                        €         105,00
30-59,99 kg                            €         206,00
From 60 kg and up                  €         420,00
Wounding                               €         172,00


 Price pr. 15/1-2025


Anne Fick

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 15

Michael Holstein Schmidt

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 11

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