Popular state owned district with super accommodation. The stag hunting here is very good, with a good chance of a really fine trophy. Very professionally managed hunting.
Read more about Red Stag Hunting in Poland
4 days from €1,195
Throughout history, great deal of prestige is awarded to hunters who shoot a mature stag! The red stag is the undisputed King of Europe’s game animals - the trophy which all European hunters are most keen to hang on their wall. However, it is only when you have experienced the thrill of hunting during the height of the rut, that you really understand why this is.
The red stag is powerful, graceful - even majestic - and easily the most impressive animal in our forests. It is quite natural that all European rifle hunters will want to test their skills against this game - preferably more than once!
We can offer a wide range of the very best State Forest Districts in western Poland, all of which can deliver top quality red deer hunts. These State Forest Districts all have well trained, experienced and very responsible hunting guides, who each have their own areas in the districts, which they know like the back of their own hands.
The hunt usually takes the form of stalking or lying in wait on one of the towers that have been optimally placed in each district, with regard to the deer’s behavioural patterns during the rut.
You will go out hunting twice a day, once in the early morning starting before dawn, and again in the late afternoon/evening during the hours around sunset. It will often be possible to combine stag hunting with a roebuck hunt, if the district has any left on its shooting quota, or with hunting for wild boar.
It is not just the trophy which is very attractive, even the hunt for red stags is itself is extremely attractive - both because of the real challenge in getting yourself within range of a big stag, but also because of the many traditions that are associated with this hunt.
Quite simply it is the experience of a lifetime! You can choose between hunting following the price list or on a fixed price package - we have both larger and smaller stags available to hunt. There is something for every taste and budget!
A hunting tour to Poland can make stag hunting convenient, easy and inexpensive and you can be sure of enjoying a wonderful outdoors adventure. Stag hunting in Poland has been popular for quite some time now - and for good reason! A stag hunt in Poland is the perfect way for both new and experienced hunts to be certain of a great hunting experience.
Accommodation is in a newly renovated hunting lodge hosted by gamekeeper Maciej Olechnowicz and wife. The accommodation is rated as category ”S”. The guest accommodation is on the first floor and consists of 5 double rooms and 4 single rooms, all with private bathroom and toilet. On the ground floor there is a dining room, with fridge, and a cosy sitting room. The gamekeeper speaks...
Read moreThe state owned districts Milicz 45 and 67 lie in south west Poland, just to the north east of Wroclaw. Malice 45 is 6,319 ha. in size, of which 2,032 ha. are forest and the remaining 4,287 ha. are farmland, meadow and lakes. The forest is largely coniferous (85%) or alder (6%). The district is generally flat. Malice 45 offers 79 high steats/stands and 17 feeding places....
Read moreThe Regional Direction of State Forests in Wrocław –the Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Panstwowych we Wrocławiu, or in everyday speech the RDLP Wrocław - is our longest standing partner in Poland. We have been sending hunters to the districts managed by RDLP Wroclaw since 1978, when we used one of the districts. Now we use a total of 11 state owned districts, of which...
Read more
Igennem rigtig mange år har jeg besøgt reviret MILICZ 67 – Kubryk i Polen, og jeg tænker ofte tilbage på mange og spændende jagtoplevelser – sammen med Jurek, Jozef, Wojtek, Maciej og Karo. Jeg har altid nydt min jagtferie her og har knyttet mange venskaber med andre jægere. Opholdet i jagthuset – med fremragende forplejning og venlige medarbejdere – har altid ført mig tilbage til dette fantastiske jagtrevir, hvor lange pürsch og mange ophold i hochsitz – med og uden jagtheld - har givet mig et jagtligt fædreland nr. 2. Jagten på skovens konge – kronhjorten – trækker mig magisk til Kubryk, igen og igen. Jeg har nedlagt meget kronvildt på reviret – små hjorte, bedre hjorte samt meget stærke hjorte, og jeg sender min store tak til DIANA Jagtrejser og til alle dem, jeg har måttet jage med gennem alle årene.
Den 13. september 2020 startede jeg bilen for igen at køre til Milicz. Efter ankomsten til jagthuset hilste jeg på jagtførster Maciej samt nogle jagtvenner fra Münsterland, som jeg har truffet på Milicz tidligere. De havde allerede nedlagt hjort. Der blev hurtigt pakket ud, idet Maciej havde travlt og pressede på for at komme afsted på jagt. Vi kørte ud på en del af reviret, som jeg kendte fra tidligere år, men hvor jeg ikke havde jaget før. Vi tog plads i et lille drivjagtstårn, hvor der kun lige var plads til os begge. Vi er slet ikke for tidligt på plads, for efter ganske kort tid gør Maciej tegn til mig – det er bevægelse i buskadset. Vi kan kun se enderne på geviret, da hjorten kommer gennem terrænet, men pludselig kommer han ud på engen ca. 350 meter væk og står helt frit og brøler. Vi har nu mulighed for at bedømme hjorten – det er en stærk og moden hjort med et stort udlæg. Den prøver at holde sammen på sin rudel og render frem og tilbage, men den kommer ikke tættere på. Så pludselig går alt meget hurtigt – hjorten og hinderne trækker ind i det tætte 2 meter høje buskads og er hele tiden i bevægelse. Hjorten driver hinderne tættere og tættere sammen. Vi kan nu se de øverste ender af geviret. Jeg er klar med riflen og venter på, at hjorten skal komme fri. Den brøler stadig og skifter plads, mens den driver hinderne frem og tilbage. Pludselig – på 175 meter – står han halvvejs fri, og jeg kan lade skuddet gå. Hjorten tegner godt og forsvinder efter 50 meter ind i buskadset. Vores lille tårn vakler en del, også Maciej var blevet ramt af jagtfeberen. Efter en kort og anspændt ventetid forlader vi tårnet for at lede efter hjorten. Det er svært i den tætte bevoksning, men der ligger han! Så står vi der foran den nedlagte kronhjort – en hjort med et udlæg og størrelse som på en wapiti. Vi er overvældede over størrelsen på geviret på den gamle, stærke og modne kronhjort. Vi har nu brug for lidt ro. Jeg tænder en cigaret, mens Maciej henter hjælp til at få bjerget hjorten. Ladt alene tilbage med kronhjorten bliver det langsomt mørkt – det er en herlig aften, vildsvinene trækker forbi mig i vildnisset, og ænderne flyver tilbage til søerne. Efter 1,5 timer kommer Maciej tilbage med Wojtek og Karo – begge betragter hjorten og er begejstrede. Jeg er sikker på, at alle er enige om, at der ligger en særlig stærk brunsthjort. Det er allerede mørkt, men hjorten skal brækkes, bjerges og køres tilbage til jagthuset. Her venter man allerede på os med et stort knæk og bræk, parade, snak og fest. Det bliver en lang aften.
Jeg har nu tid og bruger de næste dage på at jage med kameraet. Også jægerne fra Münsterland fik nedlagt hjorte. Alle er spændte på at se, når hjortene kommer tilbage fra præparatoren. Selv en jagtferie får en ende, men inden afrejse skal hjortene vejes og bedømmes, og der skal skrives protokol.
Et utroligt jagtresultat: 11 år gammel, gevirvægt 10,37 kg, stanglængde 114 cm, rosenkrans 28,1 cm = 237,62 CIC-points !!
Maciej overrækker mig en guldmedalje - vi er begge rørte og vil aldrig glemme denne fantastiske jagtoplevelse, og jeg kan rejse hjem med min jubilæumshjort for 25 års jagt i Polen på revir Milicz. Jeg takker igen jagtførster Maciej samt hans jagtførere Wojtek og Karo for en uforglemmelig jagtoplevelse og tager afsked i håbet om et snarligt på gensyn - alle ved godt helbred.
Knæk og bræk
Dieter Peschke
It was well organised and run under the management of the forester and very professional guides. I had booked 10 outings and one stag. After 6 outings I had 19 observations and 3 shooting opportunities out of which I was able to stalk a bronze medal stag. As we stayed at the forester´s house I could enjoy the nice park and parade from my window. The stay was very comfortable with good service (including a good interpreter) and excellent company out of which a Geman hunter was returning for the 22nd time, which is as good a testimony as anybody can get!
Best regards
Scientific Name: Cervus elaphus Subspecies: We recognise the following subspecies for Europe: East European Red Deer (C.e. montanus) Corsican Red Deer (C.e. corsicanus) Distribution: Red Deer is found in most European countries. Habitat: Woodland, pasture land, wetlands and moorland. Is found in lowlands as well as on high ground and in mountains. Description: Large deer weighing...
Read moreScientific Name: Capreolus capreolus Subspecies: We have not included any of the subspecies of Capreolus capreolus, as the authors dissagree about their status as individual subspecies. Distribution: All of Europe except Ireland, Iceland, Southern Spain and Greece. Roe Deer populations are not common to the Mediterranean islands. Habitat: Roe Deer populations are found today in most terrain...
Read moreScientific Name: Sus scrofa Subspecies: Sus sr. castilianus (Portugal and Spain) Sus sr. reiseri (Albania, Bulgaria and the former Yugoslavia). Sus sr. attila (Hungary, Romania and Russia). Distribution: All countries in Europe with the exception of The British Isles, southern Italy and southern Greece. Habitat: Woodland with dense undergrowth, often in the vicinity of pasture...
Read moreSingle Room Supplement
Unless agreed otherwise all accommodation is in double- or 3/4-bedded rooms. A supplement for single room will be charged for, if:
• you travel alone
• a group has an uneven number of persons
• you are given a single room in the accommodation - REGARDLESS of the reason.
• you sleep alone in a room with more beds
• you book a single room
Transport during the hunt
For most hunting districts a fixed price for transport during the hunt has been agreed. The price is per hunter, regardless if you are provided with an “individual” vehicle or not. The prices vary from Euro 40 – 60 per hunter per day.
The hunt
In Poland all hunting is on 1:1 basis – so that each hunter has his own hunting guide. The Polish hunting guide is responsible for choosing the game to be shot, but it is always the guest hunter who – after having been given the permission to shoot - decides if he/she wants to shoot or not. The hunting guide always does his best to
comply with the wishes of the hunter, but it is always the person behind the rifle who takes the final decision.
Extra days hunting
If you wish to extend your stay by one or more days, this should be arranged with your interpreter or us during your stay. In some cases an extension may not be
Interruption of hunting
If, for any reason, you leave the hunting district early, there will NOT be any reimbursement to clients for any planned activities that have been booked but not carried out.
Extra meals
A lengthened stay including a single meal will be charged at Euro 22.-. A lengthened stay that includes 2 meals will be charged at the rate for a full extra day’s
If you bring your own dog you will be charged a sum of Euro 10,- per day, which will normally be payable directly to the hunting district. Please be aware that not all hunting districts will accept clients bringing their own dogs. To enter Poland a dog must have a valid dog passport and be able to be identified with a readable ear tattoo or microchip.
An interpreter is obligatory for all hunting districts. Please inform us in advance whether you would prefer an English or German speaking interpreter. In some districts the interpreter = hunt manager or hunting guide.
Agreements between DIANA’s clients and staff/forester in the districts will not be accepted under any circumstances. Any hunting guest is responsible for his signed protocol - regardless of ”private” agreements - verbal or written.
Trophy Deposit
When you confirm your booking of one of our hunts, we will request a trophy fee deposit. On your return home this amount will be adjusted to reflect the actual results
of your hunt. The deposits are as follows:
Red stag: Euro 1.100,-
Roebuck: Euro 200,-
Fallow buck: Euro 400,-
Wild boar: Euro 200,-
Mouflon: Euro 800,-
Driven/small driven hunts Euro 410,-
Game shot out of season
The Polish authorities have introduced a
system of charges for game shot during the
close season. The charges are as follows:
Red deer: 5,800- zloty
+ 2,000- zloty for trophies up to 5,5kg
+ 7,000 zloty for trophies over 5.5kg
Fallow deer: 2,300- zloty
+ 1,500- zloty for trophies up to 2,6kg
+ 3,000 zloty for trophies over 2.6kg
Sika deer: 5,500 zloty
+ 1,000 zloty for trophies up to 2.0kg
+ 2,500 zloty for trophies over 2.0kg
Roe deer: 2,000 zloty
+ 1,000 zloty for trophies up to 430g
+ 5,000 zloty for trophies over 430g
Mouflon: 1,800 zloty
Wild Boar: 2,300 zloty
Other species: 1,000 zloty
Game shot within the hunting season but without permission of the hunting leader has to be paid according to the trophy price list + a punishment of 100%.
We advice all hunters to oversee the weighing and measurement of trophies before signing the hunting protocol – regardless of which package you bought. If a hunter wishes to bring home the whole head of a game animal, its weight will be set in the hunting district. The cost will then be calculated from that weight. We therefore
can NOT recognise any claims arising from this. This also applies to the measurement of wild boar tusks. If a hunter wishes to bring home the whole head, the tusks
will be measured with the visible part being assumed to make up 1/3 of the total length. Trophies are normally weighed and measured 24 hours after boiling. If a hunter
leaves the district earlier than 24 hours after the trophy was boiled, it will be the wet weight that will be entered on the protocol and it will not be possible afterwards to
claim any refund on the price charged – regardless of circumstances. If you, for any reason, have cause to lodge a complaint or request a refund, this HAS TO be done in the protocol or it will not be possible for us to handle your case after you return home. Please note that when you sign the protocol you confirm that everything stated within it is 100% correct.
Settling of your final account
The settling of your final account will take place after we has received the hunting protocol from Poland, which can take 4-6 weeks, regardless if monies will be refunded
or an extra charge made. An extra invoice has to be paid within 10 days, also if you by any reason have decided to leave the trophy and/or skins etc. in the district for later pick up or posting. Please be aware that sick or previously wounded game shot by the guest hunter and entered into the protocol has to be paid according to the usual price lists.
It has been determined by law that all hunts are to be reported to the police not later than 7 days before the beginning of the hunt - stating the exact dates for the hunt
and the address of the accommodation. This means that unannounced inspections can occur. They want to check if all personal papers are okay and also if the hunters are hunting with alcohol in the blood. The blood alcohol level for driving in Poland is 0.0% and the same goes for carrying a rifle.
Choice of calibre
Polish regulations state the following ROE DEER: From 100m the bullet must have energy on impact of 1,000 joules. OTHER GAME: From 100m the bullet must have energy on impact of 2,000 joules.
Driven-/small driven hunts
Please be aware that it is only allowed to use telescopic sights of max. x3 magnification for driven and small-driven hunting. Variable sights that can be adjusted down
to x3 magnification and below are allowed. That is to say that, for example a 2.5 – 10x magnification is allowed. Sights with a fixed magnification of more than x3 are not allowed. According to the polish law each hunter HAS to wear min. 2 elements in fluorescent colours – et means yellow or orange.
It is normal to give a small tip to your hunting guide, to the translator and the kitchen. How much you give is up to your own discretion.
Full Moon Calendar 2020/21
10th January
09th February
09th March
08th April
07th May
05th June
05th July
03rd August
02nd September
01st October
31st October
30th November
30th December
28th January
27th February
28th March
Hunting seasons 2020/21
Roebuck | 09.05.-30.09. |
Roe Does/Lambs | 01.10.-17.01. |
Red Stag | 21.08.-28.02. |
Red Deer Hind | 01.09.-17.01. |
Red Deer Calf | 01.09.-28.02. |
Fallow Stag | 01.09.-28.02. |
Fallow Deer Does and Kids | 01.09.-28.02. |
Wild boar: Keilers, yearlings, piglets | Whole Year |
Mouflon Rams | 01.10.-28.02. |
Mouflon Ewes/Lambs | 01.10.-17.01. |
Fox | 30.05.-31.03. |
Badger | 01.09.-30.11. |
Racoon dog | Whole Year |
Wild Ducks | 15.08.-21.12. |
Wild geese, West Poland | 01.09.-31.01. |
Diana Hunting Tours has partnered with the travel insurance company European (ERV) and is pleased to offer you an ideal travel insurance solution for your hunting trip, as well as cancellation insurance in case you need to cancel the trip due to illness.
Please note that this insurance offer is available only to residents of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Germany, Finland, and the Netherlands.
If you would like to purchase travel or cancellation insurance through Diana Hunting Tours, please contact your travel consultant or our support team at +45 62 20 25 40, or send an email to info@diana.dk.
On the price list hunt all game shot will be settled according to the following price-list:
Red stag:
Spiker € 550,00
Up to 2000 g € 550,00
2001-2499 g € 970,00
2500-2999 g € 1.260,00
3000-3499 g € 1.430,00
3500-3999 g € 1.725,00
4000-4499 g € 1.810,00
4500-4999 g € 1.890,00
5000-5999 g € 1.975,00 + € 4,20 per 10 g over 5000 g
6000-6999 g € 2.395,00 + € 8,45 per 10 g over 6000 g
7000-7999 g € 3.240,00 + € 13,55 per 10 g over 7000 g
From 8000 g € 4.595,00 + € 19,73 per 10 g over 8000 g
Wounding € 1.060,00
Deer and calf € 87,00
It will also be possible to shoot wild boars according to the following price list:
Wild Boar:
140 mm - 159 mm € 700,00
160 mm – 199 mm € 780,00
+ € 20,75 pr. mm over 160 mm
200 mm and above € 1.610,00
+ € 24,70 pr. mm over 201 mm
Keilers under 140 mm and for piglets and yearlings are charged for by weight, as follows:
Piglets, yearlings:
Up to 29,99 kg € 115,00
30-49,99 kg € 230,00
Yearlings, keilers, sows:
50-79,99 kg € 450,00
From 80 kg € 490,00
Wounding of piglets,
young boars, keiler and sows € 150,00
The following discount is available for wild boars:
25% discount on all boars up to 13,9 cm tusks
25% discount on keilers from 14 cm tusks and above
Price pr. 15/1-2025