The air is crisp and clear, the open sky high above you. You can feel the effects of the stalk in your legs. The chamois is grazing on a ledge high above. It is a difficult shot..... the way down the mountain with a freshly shot chamois in your rucksack is an indescribable experience!
4 days from €1,695
Over the years we have sent many hunters to our Maltatal district in Kärten, where the experienced gamekeeper Ferdinand Kargl takes care of the hunting. Here you can hunt from the start of August to the end of December. During the summer the chamois stay high up in the mountains, setting a real challenge to the hunters fitness. Towards the end of the season, from mid-November onwards - the chamois are in their shining black winter coat, and can normally be found further down towards the valley.
Our hunt package includes four days accommodation in the charming inn in Gmünd and two days hunting for chamois with a very experienced guide. It is also possible to stay in a simple hunting cabin in the hunting district, which will help cut down time used in transport, but here you will have to cook all your own meals. We can warmly recommend combining chamois hunt with a family holiday - there are plenty of things for the whole family to enjoy in Austria during both summer and winter.
Gasthof Kohlmayr, is a historic, very comfortable hotel in Gmünd. The hotel stands on a small square in the town. A solid breakfast is included in the price. Eating out in Austria is very reasonably priced, and there are a number of restaurants in Gmünd, where you can sample traditional Austrian specialities. Another possibility is to stay in a hunting cottage in the hunting district....
Read moreI det naturskønne Kärnten, tæt på grænsen til Italien, har Diana arrangeret gemsejagt gennem ca. 30 år, og gennem alle årene med den samme partner, Ferdinand Kargl. Jagten finder sted på godset Scarpa, et typisk bjergrevir opdel i tre forskellige revirdele, og det vurderes til at være et af de bedste gemserevirer i Østrig. Reviret...
Read moreVor partner, Ferdinand Kargl, har vi haft den store fornøjelse at samarbejde med i ca. 30 år, så han kan nærmest betragtes som en institution blandt vore jægere. Han er indbegrebet af en østrigsk jæger og en fantastisk bjergjæger, som kender sine jagtområder bedre end sin egen baglomme, så bare det at opleve en jagt i disse fantastiske...
Read moreScientific Name: Rupicapra rupicapra Subspecies: Rupicapra rupicapra (The Austrian, Swizz, German, French and Italian Alps as well as parts of the former Yugoslavia.) Rupicapra r. pyrenaica (The Pyrenees). Rupicapra r. ornata (The Abruzzian Alps, Italy) Rupicapra r. carpatica (Transsylvania) Rupicapra r. balcanica (Parts of former Yugoslavia) Rupicapra r. caucasica (Kaukasus) Rupicapra r....
Read moreDiana Hunting Tours has partnered with the travel insurance company European (ERV) and is pleased to offer you an ideal travel insurance solution for your hunting trip, as well as cancellation insurance in case you need to cancel the trip due to illness.
Please note that this insurance offer is available only to residents of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Germany, Finland, and the Netherlands.
If you would like to purchase travel or cancellation insurance through Diana Hunting Tours, please contact your travel consultant or our support team at +45 62 20 25 40, or send an email to
Trophy fees incl.20% VAT :
(According to the CIC-Formula)
Female (Nanny) and male (billy)
Up to 55 CIC-Points € 1.700,-
55,01 - 65 CIC-Points € 1.900,-
65,01 - 75 CIC-Points € 2.100,-
75,01 - 85 CIC-Points € 2.500,-
85,01 - 90 CIC-Points € 3.000,-
90,01 - 95 CIC-Points € 3.200,-
95,01-100 CIC-Points € 3.500,-
over 100 CIC-Points + 190,- per CIC-Points over 100
NB: Wounding: 50% of the estimated trophy size.
The price is based on the EUR exchange rate per. 15.01.2025. We make reservations for price fluctuations in the up and down direction.