Austria is a relatively unknown hunting destination, even though the country has good populations of chamois, ibex, red and roe deer in a breathtaking alpine setting. Moreover Austrian hunting abounds with traditions - there is no better place to experience central European hunting traditions with its associated woolen loden clothes, lederhosen and Tyrol hats decorated with the “gamsbart” (a trophy traditionally made from the winter coat of the chamois and worn on hats).
We offer hunting on an excellent district in the beautiful state of Kärnten (Carinthia) where we have been helping our customers realise their dreams of hunting big alpine chamois for many years now. Here both your physical fitness and your hunting skills will really be put to the test. Further we also have access to good areas for Alpine ibex, red stag, mouflon and roebuck.
Scientific Name: Rupicapra rupicapra Subspecies: Rupicapra rupicapra (The Austrian, Swizz, German, French and Italian Alps as well as parts of the former Yugoslavia.) Rupicapra r. pyrenaica (The Pyrenees). Rupicapra r. ornata (The Abruzzian Alps, Italy) Rupicapra r. carpatica (Transsylvania) Rupicapra r. balcanica (Parts of former Yugoslavia) Rupicapra r. caucasica (Kaukasus) Rupicapra r....
Read moreI det naturskønne Kärnten, tæt på grænsen til Italien, har Diana arrangeret gemsejagt gennem ca. 30 år, og gennem alle årene med den samme partner, Ferdinand Kargl. Jagten finder sted på godset Scarpa, et typisk bjergrevir opdel i tre forskellige revirdele, og det vurderes til at være et af de bedste gemserevirer i Østrig. Reviret...
Read moreVor partner, Ferdinand Kargl, har vi haft den store fornøjelse at samarbejde med i ca. 30 år, så han kan nærmest betragtes som en institution blandt vore jægere. Han er indbegrebet af en østrigsk jæger og en fantastisk bjergjæger, som kender sine jagtområder bedre end sin egen baglomme, så bare det at opleve en jagt i disse fantastiske...
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