Hunt for some of the world’s biggest moose! Our partners in the Yukon can offer hunting in one of the largest hunting district in all of the Yukon territory. The district lies in the central part of the Yukon, east of the town of Whitehorse, and stretches over 5.6 million hectares of absolute wilderness. Here you can find some of the best hunting for moose, grizzly bear, wolf in North America - it is also possible to find caribou, black bear and wolverine.
11 days from $38,995
Our partners in the Yukon can offer hunting in one of the largest hunting district in all of the Yukon territory. The district lies in the central part of the Yukon, east of the town of Whitehorse, and stretches over 5.6 million hectares of absolute wilderness.
The hunting camps here are located in the heart of this huge hunting district and are only accessible by air or on horseback. Much of the hunting district has never been disturbed by a human footprint, which means the landscape, the game and its genetic composition are totally pristine.
The population of moose here is incredibly dense, estimated to be 3 times higher than seen anywhere else in North America. It is estimated that there are up to 10,000 individuals resident in this district and there are more than 100 different different locations where our outfitter can position our hunters. The trophies of Alaska/Yukon Moose are the largest of any moose species and the average trophy size of bulls taken here lies around an impressive 60”. However, every season bulls of up to 70” are also taken.
Hunting Period:
The hunting is very varied, often horses are used to transport our hunters around the district, but boats are also used on the rivers and lakes while the use of Argo atvs can make for very effective hunting. Our outfitters prefer to place hunters in the camps which they believe will give the best chance of success at the current time, so one must be prepared to use different methods of transport during the hunt and have a flexible attitude.
As much of the district is mountainous, hunters should be physically fit to get the best out of the hunt. During the spring it is possible to hunt for grizzly bear, while during the autumn you can hunt for sheep, moose, caribou, grizzly bear, black bear and wolf. There is also plenty of good fishing in the district, if you have the time you can catch trout, grayling and pike in the many beautiful rivers and lakes.
Suggested Itinerary:
Day 1: Fly to Whitehorse (arrive in the evening an stay overnight in a hotel)
Day 2: Relax in Whitehorse, staying in a hotel
Day 3: Charter flight to the hunting district
Days 4-13: 10 days hunting in the wilderness
Day 13: Charter flight to Whitehorse and overnight in a hotel (if weather allows)
Day 14: Relax in Whitehorse, staying in a hotel
Day 15: Depart from Whitehorse for your flight home
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The tour begins by flying to the town of Whitehorse in the Yukon, typically via Vancouver. You should arrange flights so that you arrive here 2 days before you plan to fly to the hunting district on a chartered light aircraft. The outfitter will meet you on your arrival at the airport in Whitehorse and take you to the hotel of your choice. We will be happy to help to book a hotel for your first...
Read moreThe ultimate wilderness adventure and world-class trophies! The hunting district stretches over 5.6 million hectares of absolute wilderness with terrain that varies from scenic mountains, large plateaux, wide valley floors and hundreds of kilometer of river and countless lakes. It includes the ranges of the Cassiar Mountains, Pelly Mountains and Cambell Mountains, which has the highest...
Read moreOur outfitter in Canada's Yukon Territory is a premier big game hunting company. They offers fully outfitted & guided hunting trips to adventurous hunters for Alaska/Yukon Moose, Stone Sheep, Fannin Sheep, Dall Sheep, Mountain caribou, Grizzly Bear, Black Bear, Wolf and Wolverine. The hunting area is outfitted by Shawn and Sandra Raymond who live in Whitehorse Yukon where they are raising...
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Read moreVidenskabeligt navn: Ursus arctos Underarter: 1. Alaska brunbjørn eller Kodiak bjørn (Ursus a. middendorffi): Kystregioner i det sydlige Alaska. 2. Grizzly (Ursus a. horribilis): Alaska (I landets indre regioner, hvor Alaska brunbjørnen ikke lever). Nord- og Nordvestcanada. USA: fra Montana over Idaho og Wyoming helt til Colorado, sydpå til Sonora, Mexico. Levested:...
Read moreScientific Name: Rangifer tarandus Subspecies: A total of 10 different subspecies have been described for the northern hemisphere, but only the three most important subspecies are mentioned below. 1. North American Caribou (Rangifer t. caribou): Alaska and Canada from the border to Alaska to Newfoundland. 2. Alaskan Caribou (Rangifer t. granti): Alaska. 3. Greenland Reindeer (Rangifer t....
Read moreVidenskabeligt navn: Alces alces Underarter: Alces a. gigas: Alaska (USA), Vestyukon, det nordlige British Colombia (Canada). Alces a. americana: Central-Ontario, Newfoundland (Canada), Maine (USA), centrale og sydlige British Columbia. Alces a. shirasi: Sydalberta (Canada), Idaho, Wyoming, Montana (USA). Levested: Åbne, ofte tundra lignende landskaber i den nordlige del. Skove med sumpe...
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Read moreExtra game species can be shot for the following prices/trophy fees:
Grizzly bear USD 16.650
Mt. Caribou (POR)
Black bear USD 1.250
Wolf (free)