Our partner has more than 1,000,000 hectares of wilderness spread over a total of nine concessions. We can offer hunting safaris of high quality and two different types of hunting; hunting in tropical rainforest and subtropical savannas.
15 days from €42,495
In the rain-forest the goal for most hunters is the beautiful bongo antelope with it’s fabulous orange and white striped coat. However forest elephants, sitatunga, forest buffalo, giant forest hogs and a wide range of exotic duikers can all be hunted here, species that have recently been drawing a lot of attention from international big game hunters.
In the rain forest Mayo Oldiri has 4 concessions covering an area of 600.000 ha. The concessions, Boumba, Lognia, Dja and Ndama are situated between 3 national parks, Boumba Bek, Lokomo and Dja, fairly close to the borders with the Central African Republic and the Congo. Even though it is, in principle, possible to drive here from the capital city Douala along gravel roads (2 days), the only practical way of reaching the hunting area is by chartering an aircraft. Our partner has a charter to the rain forest twice a month and it will therefore be possible to share the charter with other hunters and thereby save quite some costs.
The hunting methods here are somewhat different to those on the savannah. The most sought after game species in the rainforest is the extremely shy Bongo. After heavy rain showers the Bongo moves out into slightly more open terrain, often crossing a forest track that the local lumber companies have laid down in the area. It is also possible to find fresh tracks at the many different salt licks. Once you find a fresh, promising track, the pygmy trackers begin their amazing work: following the animals track through the dense, dense rainforest. The hunters and dogs follow the pygmies, and it is only when the dogs can see the bongo that they are set loose to corner the animal, until the hunter can come close enough to take his shot.
Forest elephant is hunted in the same way, but without the use of dogs. Other game, such as Sitatunga and Giant Forest Hog are hunted from openings in the rain forest, so-called “jungle savannahs”, and finally duikers are hunted after “calling them up”.
The hunting season in the rainforest is from mid March until the end of July.
In the rain forest our partner has 4 concessions covering an area of 600.000 ha. The concessions, Boumba, Lognia, Dja and Ndama are situated between 3 national parks, Boumba Bek, Lokomo and Dja, fairly close to the borders with the Central African Republic and the Congo. Even though it is, in principle, possible to drive here from the capital city Douala along gravel roads (2 days), the only...
Read moreOur partner here is one of the most established and best known outfitters in the important Central African hunting destination of Cameroon. The company has access to more than 1,000,000 hectares of wilderness spread over 9 different concessions. Here we can offer both of the two totally different types of hunt that this country is famous for amongst hunters: Hunting in tropical rain-forests and...
Read moreScientific Name: Virerra civetta Subspecies: There exist several subspecies of Viverra civetta, but they are not described here as they have little or no significance as hunting trophies. Distribution: Most African countries south of the Sahara Desert. Habitat: All types of savanna, sometimes dense forest. Description: Dog size animal, looking like a mixture between a stoat and a badger....
Read moreScientific Name: Neotragus batesi Subspecies: Zaire Pygmy Antelope (Neotragus b. harrisoni) Distribution: Cameroun, Congo (Brazz.), Democratic Republic of Congo Habitat: Dense high forest. Description: Very small antelope weighing up to 5 kg, with a shoulder height not normally exceeding 35 cm. General coloour glossy dark chestnut, darkening on the back and lighter on the flanks. Throat and...
Read moreScientific Name: Tragelaphus eurycerus Subspecies: Eastern Bongo (Tragelaphus e isaaci) Distribution: Western Bongo: Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Congo (Brassaville), Congo, Cameroun and CAR. Eastern Bongo: Kenya Habitat: Dense rainforest. Often in the vicinity of water. If there happen to be saltlick in the area they are often found near by. Description: Large and heavy anthelope...
Read moreScientific Name: Syncerus caffer Subspecies: African Forest buffalo (Syncerus c. nanus), Savannah buffalo (Syncerus c. brachyceros ), Nile buffalo (Syncerus c. aequinoctialis). Caffer buffalo (Syncerus c. caffer) Distribution: The Nile buffalo has the most northern distribution of the four sub-species, ranging from Senegal in the west, across a broad belt over the...
Read moreScientific Name: Potamochoerus porcus Subspecies: Up to 18 recognised species, here described as one. Distribution: All of Africa south of the Sahara Desert, excepting the desert of Namibia. Habitat: High forest, their fringes and thick bush country, often near rivers. Frequents fields where they cause much damage. Description: A domestic pig-like animal, weighing around 100 kg and measuring...
Read moreScientific Name: Cephalophus dorsalis Subspecies: None. Distribution: Same as Red-flanked Duiker with the addition of Congo and Northern Angola. Habitat: See Red-flanked Duiker. Description: Small antelope with a weight of around 15 kg. and a shoulder height of 40 - 50 cm. General colour bright chestnut rufous and a black median stripe from the head to the tail and has, like some Duikers, the...
Read moreScientific Name: Cephalophus nigrifrons Subspecies: None Distribution: Cameroun, Congo (Brazz.), Congo (Zaire) and Gabon. Habitat: Dense rain forest. Description: Small antelope weighing 10 - 15 kg with a shoulder height of 40 - 45 cm. Has the characteristic crest of hair between the horns. General colour almost uniform rich chestnut. A broad band along the blaze to the forehead deep black,...
Read moreScientific Name: Cephalophus monticola Subspecies: Up to 18 subspecies of the Blue Duiker are recognised. Distribution: Cameroun, Gabon, Congo (Brazz.), Congo (Zaire), Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Habitat: Densely wooded country. Often along rivers. Description: Small antelope weighing 8 - 10 kg with a shoulder height of 30 - 40 cm. General colour...
Read moreLatin name: Cephalophus callipygus Subspecies: None. Distribution: From Cameroun in West across the African Continent to Kenya in East. Habitat: See Red-flanked Duiker. Description: Small antelope with a weight of around 20 kg and a shoulder height of 50 - 60 cm. General colour brownish fawn merging to bright rufous posteriorly. Has the characteristic crest of hair between the horns (not as...
Read moreScientific Name: Cephalophus leucogaster Subspecies: None Distribution: Cameroun, Gabon, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Zaire) and Uganda. Habitat: Forests. Description: Small antelope with a weight of around 15 kg. and a shoulder height of 40 - 50 cm. General colour lighter than the other Duikers. Has a blackish median band from the shoulder, broadening on the back and narrowing on the rump....
Read moreVidenskabeligt navn: Cephalophua sylvicultor Underarter: Ingen. Udbredelse: De vestafrikanske lande samt Cameroun, C.A.R, Congo (Zaire), Angola og Zambia. Levested: Regnskov. Beskrivelse: Mindre antilope (det største medlem af duiker familien) med en vægt på op til 70 kg og en højde målt over skuldrene på 75 cm. Farven er sort med grå og brune...
Read moreVidenskabeligt navn: Hylochoerus meinertshageni Underarter: Der anerkendes 3 underarter, der alle her beskrives under et. Udbredelse: De vest- og centralafrikanske regnskove. Levested: Tæt regnskov samt skovklædte bjergskråninger. Beskrivelse: Mellemstort dyr der af udseende minder en del om et vildsvin. Kæmpeskovsvinet opnår en vægt på op til 275 kg...
Read moreScientific Name: Tragelaphus spekei Subspecies: Tragelaphus s gratus, Tragelaphus s. selousi Distribution: Tragelaphus spekei: Kenya, Tanzania and Sudan Tragelaphus s. gratus: Central- and West African rainforests. Tragelaphus s. selousi: Zambia, Namibia, Malawi and South Western Tanzania. Habitat: Confined to swampy areas, mainly papyrus and reedswamps by larger lakes Description:...
Read moreDiana Hunting Tours has partnered with the travel insurance company European (ERV) and is pleased to offer you an ideal travel insurance solution for your hunting trip, as well as cancellation insurance in case you need to cancel the trip due to illness.
Please note that this insurance offer is available only to residents of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Germany, Finland, and the Netherlands.
If you would like to purchase travel or cancellation insurance through Diana Hunting Tours, please contact your travel consultant or our support team at +45 62 20 25 40, or send an email to info@diana.dk.
The price show for this tour is for guidance only as fluctuations in the exchange rate may need to be taken into account. The actual price of the tour will be agreed later.
Big hunting licence allows for taking of two different species from group A and four from group B or C.
Small hunting licence allows for all species from group C (none from A and B)
It is illegal to double the same species, irrespective of the licence taken.
Trophy fees in EUR in the Rain Forest
Group A
Elephant 11.000 (No import into EU)
Bongo 6.500
Forest sitatunga 4.500
Forest buffalo 3.900
Group B
Bushpig 1100
Giant Forest Hog 1.650
Peter's duiker 650
Group C
Ogilby's Duiker 650
Bates pygmæ antilope 650
Duiker, black fronted 650
Duiker, blue 650
Duiker, Gabon 650
Duiker, Bay's 650
Python 650 Need extra preparation and this will be charged Eur 550,-
In addition to the trophy fees, there is a surcharge of 10% for poaching and development of the local communities.
Dipping, packing, transport of trophies to Douala, and storage of trophies until shipment costs € 975 for a hunt with a Big game license and for
a hunt with a medium and big game license € 1,250,-.
Full skin for animals in Group A + Python Eur 100 extra except for Elephant which costs up to EUR 2500 depending on individual wishes.