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Occasionally you will sleep in a small “fly-camp” on one of the small wooded islands that can be found in the delta. There is plenty of opportunity to go fishing along the rivers and streams, while the bird life in Coutada 10 is without doubt some of the best you can find in southern Africa. Elephants are not an uncommon sight and the district is also famous for its big forest leopards.

You will stay in a classic bush-camp consisting of 4 guest houses, all with private bathroom and toilet, as well as a sitting-/dining hut built from reeds and palm leaves, and a cosy fireplace around which one can sit in the evening and discuss the day’s events over a cold drink. The meals are of a high standard, and the beautifully prepared food often features game. Now and again you hunt in remote parts of the district, when you will sleep simpler tented camps that lies in various different places around the enormous hunting district.

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